Robert Pattinson and Paris Hilton's Asian Coincidence

By Jessica Warren
Feb 27, 2009

Robert Pattinson has made his way from Los Angeles all the way over to Japan. Guess who else just happen to make the trip? it appears that someone has a very blonde socialite fan and we have quite the Asian coincidence as Paris Hilton just happen to be in Tokyo, Japan at the same time as Pattinson. It is a small world after all. Rob is in japan to promote his film, Paris is there with what is being called her boyfriend. Did she really follow Rob?

Back to the set, or at least what will be soon when New Moon kicks off. An earlier report notes that, "With filming just weeks away, the cast (with many roles still undecided) haven’t seen their lines, Debra Beste writes in a column that has all kinds of background and a behind the scenes look at the upcoming second film in the series.