Was Tammy Gibson protecting her young daughter or just beating up a neighbor, unprovoked? Either way, she will now spend three months behind bars for taking a baseball bat to a sex offender last summer who was talking with her daughter.
Gibson said she has no remorse for the June 19 assault but pleaded no contest Friday to assault charges. She could have received as much as eight months in jail, but the judge sentenced her to three.
"No, I'd do it again if not better," she told Seattle affiliate KOMO-TV. "I don't care if it hurts me, I don't regret it. It got him away from my kids and all the other kids in the neighborhood."According to police documents, Level-3 sex offender William A. Baldwin had moved into his uncle's home in Tacoma in early June. Following his move, county deputies distributed flyers around the neighborhood to alert residents of his presence.
Mother Who Beat Sex Offender: 'I'd Do It Again'
at 10:45 PM
Kansas May End Death Penalty to Save Money
Feb. 28, 2009
It was a gruesome crime: A 19-year-old college student, abducted, then raped and tortured, before her killer strangled her and dumped her body in a field. It took a Kansas jury earlier this month only four hours to decide Jodi Sanderholm's attacker, Justin Thurber, deserved the ultimate penalty of death.
For Sanderholm's family, the death sentence was deserved."This is a great deterrent to anyone who thinks about doing a crime like this," her father, Brian, said after the sentencing.But in the future, killers like Thurber could get a reprieve because of the nation's economic crisis. Kansas lawmakers now are weighing whether it's just too expensive to put people to death.
The average death penalty case costs the state of Kansas $1.26 million, compared to $740,000 for life in prison.The Kansas judiciary committee this week spent two days debating whether the state should abolish the death penalty to save money--and instead send people like Thurber to prison for life.
at 10:39 PM
Are They Really Dead: All My Children's Greenlee, Guiding Light's Coop
By Lynda Hirsch
Last week on "All My Children," Greenlee (Rebecca Budig) died. Or did she? It was the famous "she's dead, but we have no body" soap opera ploy. I like Greenlee. I think Budig is a great actress. However, I want the character dead. I am tired of mourning characters that pop back like the Energizer Bunny. AMC, often my favorite soap (OK, I admit it), has you mourn and then pulls the mourning rug out from under you by bringing the character back from the dead.
Soaps Q&A: A Look at "One Life to Live"
By Lynda Hirsch
Q: I just started watching "One Life to Live." I love the character who just became a Buddhist. Please tell me all about him. -- Jennifer, Staten Island, N.Y. Answer: David Vickers (Tuc Watkins) came to town in 1994. In his off-again, on-again stints with OLTL he has shown a flair for comedy and drama. The actor recently told me he never asks what the writers have in store for his character. "I know it's always going to be good. My character has never had a boring moment." Cast mates say the same is true of Watkins. He is known as a jokester on the set, but is always serious when it comes to getting his work done.
When David came to town, Dorian was in jail for killing her husband, Victor, 20 years before. David gave Dorian a forged diary by Victor's mistress, Irene Manning, which claimed she killed Victor. She also said she had had a second child with Victor, a son, and Dorian convinced David to pretend to be the long lost heir in order to validate the diary. David presented the diary and Dorian was freed, but then David met his supposed "sister," Tina Lord Roberts, and they fell in love. Tina even named her dog "doggie David Vickers."
Playboy Blonde Kendra Wilkinson Strips Off Hef, Lisa Rinna Gets Hubby OK
By Jessica Warren
More Playboy news, according to Hollywood writers Marilyn Beck and Stacy Jenel Smith, Lisa Rinna, host for the TV Guide Channel, has made news as of late for posing for Playboy at the age of 45 in their May issue, and her hubby Harry Hamlin tells us he stands by his woman in her decision.
at 10:40 AM Labels: Celebrity News
Gisele Bundchen Sizzling Cover for DT Includes New Piercings, Congrats Tom Brady
By Susan Hatch
Trend Hunter looks to DT magazine to see what kinds of looks Gisele can pull off and reports she was snapped for the cover of DT Magazine’s Platinum issue with a new piercing. We know that Bundchen has multiple ear piercings and a navel piercing, but in her sizzling DT Magazine cover shot we also see a nose ring.
at 10:38 AM Labels: Celebrity News
Octomom Nadya Suleman Scores Angelina Jolie Designer for Free Clothes
By Angela Carson
Jolie was said to be a bit put off by the comparison (and who can blame her?) and as Octomom had her decisions unveiled with interviews on the NBC Today show and other media outlets show a pattern of strange choices, public opinion quickly turned against the unemployed mother of fourteen.
at 10:35 AM Labels: Celebrity News
Twilight Sequel (Photos, Video) Teen Vogue for Robert Pattinson, Kristen and Cast
By Gene Byrd
The Twilight cast is posing for teen Vogue. Pics and video from the Teen Vogue photo shoot featuring three of the 'four Cullen men' are online and the magazine reports that headline star Robert Pattinson along with Kristen and the rest of the Twilight stars talk about the making of the film, plus give away some movie details. Blog for Your Life is still certain of something between two of the stars but it is not the usual set up.
The item muses, "I totally agree with my partner in crime, Kendra. There is a huge vibe between Nikki and Kristin. I have a really sensitive sappho-meter, and it can pick up the slightest of lesbian vibes. Can we also talk about Robert? Patsy looks a lot like John Lennon. Like creepy similar."
at 10:33 AM Labels: Celebrity News
Rihanna Out of Punta Mita, Mexico and Into Chris Brown's Arms: Back Together?
By Jessica Warren
"Everyone around them, especially their families, just wants them to stay as far apart as possible until this whole thing gets figured out,” says a Chris family insider. “It’s just all so complicated right now.”
at 11:25 PM Labels: Pop Journal
Hollywood: Robert Pattinson Karaoke, Jonathan Rhys Meyers Rehab, Diddy
By Tina Johnson
Wouldn't this be great to see, Robert Pattinson joined Australia star Hugh Jackman at a Karaoke Bar for some tunes. Who else was there? Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner joined in as well. Hugh and Rob "sang for a few hours before Rob’s costars Kristen and Taylor joined in on the fun," reports Just Jared. Lots of photos and more at JJ's.
at 11:23 PM Labels: Pop Journal
Royals Watch: Kate Middleton Moves In, Crown Princess Victoria to Wed
By Jennifer Cox
Is Kate Middleton really moving in with Prince William? Earlier reports have claimed that the two were ready to marry only to be snowed under by reports that a split was imminent. It is never easy to tell with Britain's two bad boy prices but a report claims that Kate will be a regular visitor, slash live in at the base in Shropshire where he will be working on his RAF training.
at 11:21 PM Labels: Celebrity News
Lisa Rinna Playboy Photos Get Personal Approval From Hubby Harry Hamlin
By Marilyn Beck and Stacy Jenel Smith
"They came back to her 10 years later, saying, 'You're 45, and you've had two kids, but your body is still in amazing shape. What do you think about doing it again?' and she agreed. For me, it's six of one, half a dozen of the other. For her, it's very meaningful, so I'm there to support her in anything she wants to do. She does work hard to look the way she looks, so that makes me a lucky guy."
at 11:19 PM Labels: Celebrity News
Drama in Court: Britney Spears' Hairstylist Dodges Sam Lutfi Texts for Pop Star
By Mary Browning
According to Romero’s testimony Lutfi had sent several texts asking her to give Britney a message that he was "trying to help her," but she refused, telling him that she believed him to be a bad influence on Brit.
at 11:17 PM Labels: Celebrity News
Angelina Jolie & Sean Penn Get a Pass, Hilary Swank, Not So Much
By Marilyn Beck and Stacy Jenel Smith
When Hilary Swank failed to thank then-husband Chad Lowe in her Oscar acceptance speech, the omission caused a media uproar. But when Sean Penn thanks his "circle of longtime support" including best friend Sato Masuzawa (his assistant), but fails to thank wife Robin Wright Penn -- or, for that matter, mention Harvey Milk – in his "Milk" Best Actor acceptance speech, the omission goes all but unnoticed.
UNEXPECTED: Ryan Murphy has made quite a name for himself by pushing the envelope on his show "Nip/Tuck" -- which is why it's surprising that he would sweeten things up a bit with the upcoming musical comedy "Glee."
"Totally. You're like, 'What? Ryan's doing a show about a high school glee club?'" acknowledges Jessalyn Gilsig, star of the forthcoming Fox show. "I knew he'd done 'Popular,' so it's not his first teen comedy, but this particular show is really sweet and very heartfelt," adds Jessalyn, who also played Gina Russo on "Nip/Tuck."
"One of the things about 'Nip/Tuck,' I know it has very shocking subject matter, but it's really preoccupied in dealing with the sense of trying to belong, and that's such a high school thing," she notes.
However, as she points out, a talented writer is a talented writer. "I feel like people will watch this and say, 'Oh, this is what he does.' He's just very good that way. It's sort of like a novelist who writes something set in Ireland, and then does something set in Italy, but you'd swear that person was Irish or Italian based on the book." While the show has not been given an exact premiere date, it is expected to snag the post-"American Idol" timeslot in the spring.
"We're just starting the first episode after the pilot right now. We're really excited," she says. "It's a very strange time obviously. To say I'm grateful to have this job is probably an understatement. Everyone's just glad to be working, and Ryan has such a clear vision that we're excited to go deeper into it."
at 11:15 PM Labels: Celebrity News
American Idol Group 2 (Results) Three Contestants Make Top 12
By Susan Hatch
Feb 27, 2009
Tonight's show had only one moment where we weren't exactly certain who was staying and who would need some wild card help. The first two are anti-cliactic as the Adam Lambert is in and certainly can work a stage and you can add Allison Iraheta right into the top twelve as well.
at 11:13 PM Labels: Celebrity News
Robert Pattinson and Paris Hilton's Asian Coincidence
Feb 27, 2009
Robert Pattinson has made his way from Los Angeles all the way over to Japan. Guess who else just happen to make the trip? it appears that someone has a very blonde socialite fan and we have quite the Asian coincidence as Paris Hilton just happen to be in Tokyo, Japan at the same time as Pattinson. It is a small world after all. Rob is in japan to promote his film, Paris is there with what is being called her boyfriend. Did she really follow Rob?
Back to the set, or at least what will be soon when New Moon kicks off. An earlier report notes that, "With filming just weeks away, the cast (with many roles still undecided) haven’t seen their lines, Debra Beste writes in a column that has all kinds of background and a behind the scenes look at the upcoming second film in the series.
at 11:12 PM Labels: Celebrity News
Gwyneth Paltrow Shares Love With Madonna and GOOP
Feb 27, 2009
Gwyneth Paltrow has fired back at critics of her Goop. According to an OK! magazine report, Gwyneth Paltrow hosted a New York charity event for Bent on Learning on Wednesday and offered up statements regarding her new website and also dishes on why she and Madonna are such good pals. Paltrow's website, GOOP.com carries the tagline..."Nourish The Inner Aspect” and she decided to launch the site "because I felt like I had a lot of really useful information that I was privileged enough to get, because I have this amazing, super, fortunate life."
She’s received a lot of grief for her holier than thou attitude but the middle aged starlet defends herself stating, "I think the people who are criticizing it or criticizing the idea of it, don't really get it, because if they did, they would like it..." The current newletter centers around Paris and all if has to offer. If you’re planning a trip to Paris, the site may actually be beneficial. It reads somewhat like a tour guide, albeit, poorly written and quite honestly boring, offering suggestions for restaurants, hotels and different sights so see.
at 11:07 PM Labels: Celebrity News
TV: American Idol Results, Hosea Rosenberg Top Chef Winner
By Leslie Warren
Feb 27, 2009
Kris Allen stunned nearly everyone when his baby face made it through. How far can he go? Adam Lambert is solid if not spectacular, with the confidence for at least a top five spot. Can he keep it together for the entire season and make his run?
Sex on the Beach: Evangeline Lilly & Elizabeth Mitchell Highlight Quadrangle
By Tina Sims
Feb 27, 2009
t looks like we are closer to sex on the beach! "It's not all bleakness," co-exec producer Carlton Cuse tells Us Magazine. "We have romance!" Yes, the quadrangle of Jack, Kate, Sawyer and Juliet played by Elizabeth Mitchell (shown here kissing Angelina Jolie) continues. "Kate and Jack are picking up their pieces, but she still pines for Sawyer," says Lindelof, adding, "Sawyer can only wait for so long."
at 11:04 PM Labels: Celebrity News
Photos: Jennifer Aniston & Gwyneth Paltrow Strike a Pose
Gwyneth stayed in Gotham but Paltrow was still able to show off the positive effects of yoga in a figure-hugging Jasmine di Milo dress when she helped host the 2009 Bent on Learning benefit at the Stephan Weiss Studio in New York City.
at 10:58 PM