According to Celbuzz, the actor was confronted by one excitedly upset young female that was furious that Pattinson had not taken the time to call her back. The item cites Us Weekly that claims Rob said, "Give me a break will you? I didn't have the time. I was only here for four days."
Taylor Lautner has bulked up for the next installment of the film series titled "New Moon" and he is looking for some love from pattinson fans. He tells E! Online, "I'm so thankful for the fans and even those Robert Pattinson slash Edward fans. I know we wouldn’t…be here filming ‘New Moon’ and filming [third sequel] ‘Eclipse’ if it wasn’t for them."
He asks the Rob fans not to hate on him too much but some are saying that after New Moon hits and if it sees bigger success than Twilight will Taylor have a brighter star than Rob?